Give These 8 Household Object a Second Life
Everyone knows about the 3 R’s, the strategy that aims to manage the amount of waste generated by reusing, reducing, and recycling. We all win when we find a new use for items that would otherwise have ended up in the trash or blue bin (the contents of which are not always actually recycled due to lack of resources).
Your residence is probably chock full of things that, at first glance, no longer serve any purpose; yet they can, with a little ingenuity, regain their rightful place in your home. Here are a few examples to give these household object a second life.

Glass and Plastic Containers
Jam and peanut butter jars, and in fact, any clear receptacle, are excellent storage vessels for small crafting and woodworking supplies. Attach the lids to shelves with screws and use the containers to sort all the bits and pieces of hardware you need to complete your projects, such as nails, Q-tips, hair elastics, spools of thread, crayons, lipstick tubes, etc. If the jars are particularly pretty, why not create an eye-catching storage display in one of your home's rooms?
Condiment Bottles
Once they have been thoroughly rinsed and cleaned, squeezable condiment bottles (ketchup, mustard, etc.) are ideal for serving brunch. How? By using them as squeeze bottles for dispensing pancake batter! Thanks to the thin nozzle, you can even try to create shapes (heart, star, cat face, etc.) as a special treat for the kids for a fun weekend breakfast.
Pill Bottles
Are prescription medication containers pilling up in your home? Put them to good use by converting them into jewelry storage. No more mismatched earrings and tangled delicate necklaces! Conversely, you can, of course, return the bottles to your pharmacy where they will be reused to fill new prescriptions.
Coffee Grounds and Tea Leaves
Once you’ve finished enjoying your favourite morning drink resist the urge to dispose of the grounds in the garbage bin. This “waste” is actually extremely valuable for composting. If your municipality doesn’t offer brown bin pickup and that you don’t compost at home, you can still spread this organic matter in the garden. It helps keep snails and insects away from your flowers and berry bushes.

Give Old Books a second life
Have you inherited a ton of vintage tomes? Do you compulsively pick up used books at yards sales, only for them to end up at the bottom of a box? Transform them into a practical decor accessory. With an L bracket, fasten the books to the wall, the spine facing you so you can see and admire the beautiful covers. And voila: attractive and original shelves! Alternatively, build a colourful one-of-a-kind headboard! Simply secure the books to a wide wooden board (your headboard’s canvas) by stapling them at each corner. With the pages spread open like an accordion, the books will create a striking textural effect.
CDs and DVDs
When was the last time you sat down to listen to or watch one? Are you hanging on to your CDs and DVDs out of nostalgia? Then perhaps you might consider repurposing your collection into objects you can use on a daily basis? Give them a second life as your new set of coasters for the coffee table. Guests to your home will certainly want to discuss your retro musical tastes.
These small objects can serve a multitude of purposes: turned into jewelry, as a crafting medium, to decorate frames, to make fridge magnets, etc. Hoard them instead of throwing them out!

Old Frames or Mirrors
Do you own a mirror or picture frame with interesting patterns but that really clashes with your current decor? Remake it into a serving platter. Securely attach two handles on either side of the frame—or mirror. You’ve created a chic, unique accessory that’s sure to be a hit the next time you host a cocktail party.
Ideally, we should tackle the issue of overconsumption by cutting down on our purchases. However, reusing things that would otherwise have ended up in the recycling bin or in the landfill is also an effective way of reducing our carbon footprint.